Safety at City Gas Distribution
Safety is prime for City Gas Distribution Business specifically when hazard is of two kind. First hazard is high pressure second hazard is flammability.
Rules & Codes for Safety in City Gas
Statutory Rules
Factories Act
ISO 9001:2008
ISO 14001:2004
OHSAS 18001: 2007
Safety Codes
- IS 2925-1984
- IS 4770-1968
- IS 6994-1973 (I)
- IS 1989 -1986(I&III)
- IS 3338-1975
- IS 5557-1969
- IS 6519-1971
- IS 11226-1985
- IS 5983-1978
- IS 9167-1979
- IS 3521-1983
Major Safety areas in City Gas
Behavioral Safety
Safety should develop and inculcate in behavior specifically in a CGD. Corporate Safety Vision, Policy and statement, Safety Pledge, Work Place Inspection Policy, Safe employee, safe contract & procurement policy. Continual development towards safety with training always help in making an organisation with safe behavior.
Infrastructure Safety
Each and every equipment and assets has to be certified with international or national safety guidelines of production or as per prevailing rules and practices in India. It can be one step more adherence towards safety. After all infrastructure is the life machine of any CGD.
Process Safety
Planning, Execution, Commissioning, with strict adherence of codes and process with safety. After Commissioning, all operations and maintenance with timely compliance has to be completed in time with ensuring safety process. A well defined and safe process is always keep hazard away.
Environment Safety
City Gas is handling hazardous product Natural Gas, Odorant and various Chemicals like engine lubes & Acid Batteries. Natural Gas is environment friendly fuel for reciprocating engines, burners, furnaces and heaters. In all cases it burns but in case it releases in atmosphere without burning than this is more dangerous than other green house gases. It should ensures to minimum wastage to save environment.
Overall Safety Areas in City Gas
Corporate Safety
Corporate Safety Vision and Statement of a City Gas Distribution companies leads to development of overall Safety culture in organisation and inculcate safety in behavior of their direct and indirect employees and contractors.
Corporate safety vision take care of a city with its product distribution and services with safe practices.
Work Permit safety
Permission to work in hazardous area as per rules, regulation, checkup, mandatory Personal Protective Equipment and with request, review and approve.
Tool Box Talk, Hot Work, Cold Work, Work at Height, Work at Confined area, Excavation permit, Lifting permit, Job Hazard Assessment and many more as per situation.
CNG Safety
Safety at CNG needs to ensure twice. 1st is Natural Gas is compressed at high pressure which itself a hazard. 2nd compressed Natural Gas is highly flammable.
Various safety guidelines are available to ensure safety at CNG Stations. These are PESO, OISD 179, SMPV, Petroleum Rules, Electrical Safety, State Fire Rules and etc.
Pipeline safety
Underground high pressure Natural Gas Pipe line network is main artery of any City Gas Distribution Gas Network system. Based on MAOP of the network for its whole estimated life, its designing is most important.
ASME B 31.8, ASTM, API 1104, OISD 226, NFPA, NACE, IS 14885 or ISO 4437, IS 1239, EN 1057 and installation and commissioning procedure are ensuring safety.
Electrical Safety
Electricity is required to many of Natural Gas equipment in City Gas but it has its dangerous aspect also. Any electrical charge, static charge, loose current, improper grounding or earth pit are the loopholes.
Various guidelines are make it safe. These are IS- 5572, IS – 5571, IS 3043, IS:2309, API- RP-551, 552, 553, 554, 555 and 556.
Equipment for safety
Best City Gas safety handling equipment are safe thinking and behavior. Apart from that to fight fire and emergencies equipment are helpful.
Fire tender, Fire extinguisher, PPEs, Gas detectors, Flame detectors, alarm system, emergency vehicles, training and development, line marking, safe practices.
Stakeholder Safety
Shake holders in any City Gas Industry are Ministry, Regulator, investor, employees, contractors, customers, affiliated persons and agencies.
With safe, continuous and best services, credibility, reliability and brand image improve the safety of stake holders.
Environment safety
Natural Gas is being used to reduce pollution but City Gas should take care about releasing un burned methane in atmosphere.
Emergency Response Disaster Management Plan
Integrated Management System
hazard and operability study
Hazard Identification Studies
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
Quantitative Risk Analysis