Statutory Rules for City Gas Distribution
Rules & Acts
- Indian Explosive Act, 1984
- The Motor Vehicle Act, 1988
- The Factories Act, 1949
- The Petroleum Act, 2002
- Workmen Compensation Act
- Static & Mobile Pressure Vessel Act
- Indian Electricity Act
- Indian Boiler Act. 1923
- Water (Prevention & Control Pollution) Act, 1974
- Water (Prevention & Control Pollution) Cess Act, 1977
- The Mines & Minerals (Regulation & Development) Act, 1947
- Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
- The Atomic Energy Act, 1962
- The Radiation Protection Rules, 1971
- Indian Fisheries Act, 1954
- Indian Forest Act, 1927
- The Wild life protection Act, 1972
- The Environment Protection Act & Rules, 1986
- The Hazardous waste (Management & Handling) Rules 1989
- The Manufacture, store & Import of Hazardous Chemicals rules 1989
- The Building & other construction workers, 1996
Codes for CNG Station Equipment
BIS IS 15958 : 2012
ISO 15403 : 2000
Online Compressor
- API 618
- ISO 13631-2002
- OISD 179 -2016
- ASME B 31.3 -2016
- NFPA-37-2015
- NFPA-52: 2016
- NFPA-496-2017
- NFPA-68 -2013
- NFPA-70 -2017
- NFPA 12-2015
- Gas Cylinder rules-2018
- Indian Electricity Rules
- Indian Explosives Act.
- Factories Rules
Booster Compressor
- OISD 142: IS 5572
- OISD 179, NFPA-52: 2006, NFP-496, NFPA-68, NFPA-70 or equivalent
- NFPA – 37, NFPA – 12- CO2 Flooding system
- IS: 6382
- IS: 325/ IEC or International standards. – Standards for electric Motor
- Applicable ANSI, ASTM, NEC, NEMA code
- API – 618/API 11 P
- EURO EAN NORM P.E.D., Italian NOR M D.P.R. 47/55
- EURO EAN NORM P.E.D , D.M. 24.5.02 – D.M. 2 8 .6.02
- M 2 4.11.84 parte prima – sez. II° , D.M . 24.5.02 – D.M. 28.6.02, DIN 2413, S AE J 514
- EURO EAN NOR MS, CEI N 60079- 0/CEI EN 60079-14/ CEI, EN 60204-1/ CEI EN 60439-1, ATEX
- STAN DARD API – 661 : Specifications for Air cooled exchangers
- ASME Section – VIII Div. – 1/2 Design codes for pressure vessels
- Gas Cylinder Rules 2018
- Standard Specifications of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
- Specifications/Recommendations of IEC
- Indian Electricity Rules
- Indian Explosives Act
- State Factory Rules
- TEMA – C – Water cooled heat exchangers
- ASME / ANSI – B-31.3 Code for Process Piping
- DIN 2413-This standard covers the design of steel bends and bent pipes of circular cross section
- SAE J 514-Standard for CNG hydraulic tube fittings and O-ring
- CEI EN 60079-10-Classification of area for explosive gas atmosphere
- CEI EN 60079-14-Design, selection and installation of electrical systems for areas with potentially explosive atmosphere.
- CEI, EN 60204-1-Standard for safety of machinery — Electrical equipment of machine
- CEI EN 60439-1-Standard for safety of electrical equipment
ATEX-Standard for describing electrical equipment and work space is allowed in an explosive atmosphere.
Cascade-Type I
- Gas Cylinder Rule 2018.
- Indian Explosives Act- 1884
- SMPV Rules 1981
- IS:7285-2004 part-2, amendment no. 4 with latest amendment.
- CNG Cylinder Valves, IS:3224-1979 (Amendments 1983,84,85,86,89,92,98),
- Hydrostatic Stretch Test, IS: 5844 – 1970.
- Safety Devices of Gas Cylinders, IS : 5903 -1970
- NFPA 52 Standards for CNG vehicular fuel systems & CNG Cylinder Codes IS: 7285-2004 part-2.
- OISD 179 Safety requirements for compression, storage, handling and refueling of CNG for use in automotive sector.
- SS tubing-ASME B31.3 in conjunction with EEMUA supplement to ASME B31.3
- Any Welding pipe-ANSI/ASME B31.3, API 1104
- SS tube-SS316L
- SS Tube & fitting-ASTM A269, ultimate tensile 517 Mpa
- Pressure Gauges-BS 1780 or ANSI/ASME B40.1 or OISD179
- Painting-SA 2 1/2,Swedish standard SIS-055909 or Indian Standard IS 9954/International Standard ISO 8501-1
- Mobile Cascade-Indian Standard 2825, IS :7285 – 1988 or BS5045:Part1 or (US) D.O.T 3AA
- Shock withstand-4G
- Calibration-ISO 5168
- Enclosure-IP65, NENA4x
Cascade-Type III
Coming soon
Cascade-Type IV
Coming Soon
- Suitable to flow fluid as per ISO 15403:2000
- Hazardous area classification Class-I, Division I,
Group D as per NEC or Zone I, Group II A/ II B as per IS/ IEC, - NFPA-52
- NGV 4.1/ AGA 2-92
- NGV 4.2/ AGA 1-93
- NGV4
- ASTM A269
- ANSI / EEE (EFT) C 62.41 (1991)
- EN 50081-1
- SAMA PMC31.1-1980 condition2
- IS: 5572
- 0ISD-179
- OISD 113
- IS: 5571
- IP: 65
- AG901
- NZS5425
- IEC 79-1
- ISO 5168
- ASME/ANSI B 31.3
- Weights and measures Act 1976.
- Weights and measures (Enforcement) Act 1985.
SS Tube & Fittings
Codes for Steel Pipe Line
Steel Pipe Line & Laying
- API 5L
- ASTM A106
- ASTM A333
- ASME B31.8
- ASME B31.3
- API 1104
- API-RP551 & RP556
- API-RP1102
- API1110
- ASME B31.8 Appendix K/NACE SP -0169
- API RP 2201
Flanges & Blanks
ASME B16.5
ASME B16.36
API 590
ASME B16.9
Steel Isolation Valves
ASME B16.34
BS 5352
BS 5351
BS 1873
Studs, Bolts & Nuts
ASME B18.2.1
ASME B18.2.2
ASME B 31.8 S
ASME B16.20
Valve Chamber
IS 456
Codes for PE, GI, Coper Pipe Line
MDPE Pipe & Fitting
- IS 1555 1&2
- IS 14855
- EN ISO 12162
- ISO 12176-2&3
- IS 4948
- ISO 760
- IS 4437
- ISO 6259-3
- ISO 3126
- ISO 1183
- ISO 1133
- ISO 2505
- ISO 1167
- EN 728
- EN 1056
- ISO 4440-1
- ISO 9080
- ISO 13477, 78, 79
- IS 14885
- IS 7328
- IS 2530
- EN 26901
- EN 26902
- EN 1555-3
- EN 1555-7
- ISO 11413
- ISO 11414
- ISO 12093
- EN 12099
- EN 12118
- ISO 13950
MDPE & GI Valves
- ANSI B16.33
- ANSI B 1.20.1
- IS 10908
GI Pipe
- IS 1239 Part-1
- IS 1239 Part-II
- IS 1387
- IS 1879
- IS 2108-1977-BM-290
- IS 554
- IS 8999
- IS 4711
- IS 4759
- IS 4736
- IS 209
- IS 13229
- BS 29453
- IS 319
- IS 6745
- IS 2633
- IS 2629
- IS 14329
Copper tube
- BS 864
- BS EN 1057
- BS 219
- BS 2871
- ASTM E243
- EN 1254
- ISO 6957
- IS 10908
- ANSI B 1633
- EN 29453
- BS 21
Flexible Metal Hose
- BS 6501
- BS 1449
Flexible Rubber Hose
- IS 9573
- IS 4143
Electrical Rules
Electrical Rules
- Indian Electricity Act
- OISD 173
- BIS SP 30
- CEI 364
- CEI 449
- IS 5571
- IS 5572
- IS 3043
- IS 2309